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Dependant Teams

The dependant teams feature allows you to tag other teams in your Service.

Once another team is tagged, your team will remain the Service Owning team and receive all change instances as usual.

The dependant team will also receive duplicated Change Instances for every change to a ServiceItem within that Service. Which they will have to deal with and approve/complete etc on their own accord.

Use Case

The use case for this feature is if you wanted to define an overall pattern or Service to your Consumers and then have multiple infrastructure teams independently perform actions based on changes to that Service Item.

This would allow one input from the Consumer and multiple Change Instances created for and independently completed by multiple Service Owner teams. The original creator of the Service would still maintain overall ownership of the Service and would be responsible for updates to the Schema, charging etc etc.


Dependant teams can be added to your Service within the Services tab of NetOrca.

Adding a dependant team is shown below:

Dependant Team Screenshot