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NetOrca Abbreviations

Term Description Link
Service A well defined piece of infrastructure that can be requested Service
Service Item (SI) A single instance of a service as requested by a Consumer Service Item
Service Owner (SO) The team providing a service to the service catalogue.
Also the team responsible for processing changes related to that service.
Service Owner
Consumer A requestor of Service Items, and the ongoing owner of those ServiceItems Consumer
Change Instance A change ticket that has been spawned due to create/delete/modify
actions associated with a SI
Change Instance
Submission The full declarative input to request SI's that can be sent by a consumer Submission
Schema The JSON Schema based definition of a particular service, defining all
inputs required by the consumer
Service Item declaration
Service Item Declaration The declarative config used to request a particular SI within a Service Service Item declaration
Deployed Item Extra JSON config that can be attached to a SI to describe additional fields
that may be relevant as part of the deployment (IP addresses, VM Id's etc etc)
Deployed Item