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This section is an explanation of the various states that are used in NetOrca objects.

Change Instance state

Change instances have the following possible states

  1. PENDING: The CI has been requested and is not yet approved by the Service Owner
  2. APPROVED: The CI has been approved, the declaration requested in this CI is now the active declaration for the SI
  3. COMPLETED: The CI has been completed, this indicates to the user that the requested declaration in this CI has now been applied to the infrastructure
  4. REJECTED: the PENDING CI has been REJECTED, this could be due to validation or incompatibility. The Consumer must change the declaration for this SI on next push.
  5. ERRORED: an APPROVED CI cannot be implemented onto the infrastructure. This is a rare occurance as validated CI's should be able to be completed by the ServiceOwner. This is an indication of a broken process.
graph LR
    1[PENDING] --> 2[APPROVED]
    1 --> 3([REJECTED])
    2 --> 4[COMPLETED]
    2 --> 5([ERRORED])

State transition

CREATE ChangeInstances

    participant CI as ChangeInstance
    participant SI as ServiceItem
    Note left of CI: CREATE ChangeInstance initialised
    Note over CI: STATE: PENDING
      opt CI REJECTED
      Note over CI: STATE: REJECTED
      alt CI APPROVED
      CI --> SI: Create ServiceItem
      Note over SI: IN-SERVICE
        opt CI ERRORED
        Note over CI: STATE: ERRORED
        alt CI COMPLETED 
        Note over CI: STATE: COMPLETED