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Project Description

The NetOrca SDK is a powerful tool that allows developers to seamlessly integrate and interact with the NetOrca API, simplifying the management of various aspects of the NetOrca platform. This documentation provides comprehensive guidance on using the SDK to access NetOrca’s features and data.


The NetOrca SDK offers a set of Python classes and methods that facilitate communication with the NetOrca API. It provides an abstraction layer for authentication, making API calls, and handling responses, enabling developers to focus on building applications and services that leverage NetOrca’s capabilities.

NetOrca SDK Classes

The NetOrca SDK provides several essential classes to streamline interactions with the NetOrca API:

  • NetorcaAuth: This class allows you to create authentication objects, making it easy to establish secure connections to the NetOrca API. You can initialize it using either a username and password or an API key.

  • Netorca: The main class that acts as an interface to the NetOrca API. It is initialized with an authentication object created using NetorcaAuth. This class provides various methods for making API calls and managing resources.

Consumer Class

The Consumer class is designed for use in the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process. It provides functionalities for submitting tasks and interacting with NetOrca as a consumer. You can create an instance of this class with the authentication object and use it to submit tasks and retrieve results.

ServiceOwner Class

The ServiceOwner class is another essential addition for CI/CD processes. It enables service owners to manage their services efficiently. This class provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving service-related configurations and items. Service owners can use it to maintain and optimize their services within the NetOrca platform.


Before using this code, ensure you have the following:

  • NetOrca API Key: You’ll need an API key to authenticate with the NetOrca API.
  • URL: The URL for the NetOrca API.
  • Python Environment: Make sure you have Python installed on your system.