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Change Instance Generation Logic

When a new consumer submits a declaration, it may lead to the creation of change instances for the service items. These change instances are sent to the service owners, who then process them in the consumer's infrastructure. Understanding how these change instances are generated is crucial.

There are 3 types of changes instances:

change_type Description Summary
CREATE A new service item is requested.
MODIFY An existing service item is requested to be modified.
DELETE A request to delete an existing service item.

Basic Submissions

In this page, several examples of submissions are provided. Before a consumer can submit a declaration, the relevant services must be defined in NetOrca. For simplicity, let's assume there are two services, VM managed by VMOwnerTeam and LoadBalancer managed by LBOwnerTeam with the following schemas:

    name: str
    cpu: int
    ram: int
    name: str
    algorithm: str

CREATE Change Instance

When the consumer submits a declaration including a service item which doesn't exist in NetOrca, a CREATE change instance for that service item will be generated.

  • For example, if a new consumer team submits an initial declaration, since they don't yet have any service items, a CREATE change instance will be generated for each service item in the submission:
  "AwesomeConsumer": {
    "NewApp1": {
      "services": {
        "VM": [{
            "name": "CoreVM1",
            "cpu": 8,
            "memory": 2
          }, {
            "name": "CoreVM2",
            "cpu": 16,
            "memory": 4

The above declaration will generate two CREATE change instances for the AwesomeConsumer team, which will be received by VMOwnerTeam:

Service Item change_type Consumer Team Service Owner Team
CoreVM1 CREATE AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam
CoreVM2 CREATE AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam

If an existing consumer decides to add new service items to their current resources, they can submit an updated declaration that includes both the existing and new service items. For example, if AwesomeConsumer wants to add a new LoadBalancer for their existing vms, the new submission would be:

  "AwesomeConsumer": {
    "NewApp1": {
      "services": {
        "VM": [
            "name": "CoreVM1",
            "cpu": 8,
            "memory": 2
            "name": "CoreVM2",
            "cpu": 16,
            "memory": 4
        "LoadBalancer": [
            "name": "CoreLB1",
            "algorithm": "RoundRobin"

This submission will generate a single CREATE change instance for LBOwnerTeam:

Service Item change_type Consumer Team Service Owner Team
CoreLB1 CREATE AwesomeConsumer LBOwnerTeam

MODIFY Change Instance

When a consumer submits a request to modify an existing service item's declaration, a MODIFY change instance is generated.

  • For instance, if the AwesomeConsumer team decides to upgrade the cpu and memory of an existing VM, they would submit a declaration with the modified key values of the service item dictionary:
  "AwesomeConsumer": {
    "NewApp1": {
      "services": {
        "VM": [
            "name": "CoreVM1",
            "cpu": 16,  // modified
            "memory": 8  // modified
            "name": "CoreVM2",
            "cpu": 16,
            "memory": 4
        "LoadBalancer": [
            "name": "CoreLB1",
            "algorithm": "RoundRobin"

This submission will generate a MODIFY change instance for VMOwnerTeam to process the requested upgrade:

Service Item change_type Consumer Team Service Owner Team
CoreVM1 MODIFY AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam
  • If the consumer wishes to modify multiple service items, they can include all changes in a single submission. For example, if AwesomeConsumer wants to change the algorithm of an existing LoadBalancer and upgrade the other VM, they would submit the following:
  "AwesomeConsumer": {
    "NewApp1": {
      "services": {
        "VM": [
            "name": "CoreVM1",
            "cpu": 16,
            "memory": 8
            "name": "CoreVM2",
            "cpu": 8,  // modified
            "memory": 16  // modified
        "LoadBalancer": [
            "name": "CoreLB1",
            "algorithm": "LeastConnections"  // modified

This submission will generate one MODIFY change instance for LBOwnerTeam, and one for VMOwnerTeam:

Service Item change_type Consumer Team Service Owner Team
CoreVM2 MODIFY AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam
CoreLB1 MODIFY AwesomeConsumer LBOwnerTeam

DELETE Change Instance

When a consumer removes the declaration of an existing service item in the next submission, a DELETE change instance is generated.

  • In our example, if AwesomeConsumer team decides to remove the load balancer and one of the vms, they would submit a declaration like this:
  "AwesomeConsumer": {
    "NewApp1": {
      "services": {
        "VM": [
            "name": "CoreVM1",
            "cpu": 16,
            "memory": 8

This declaration will generate two DELETE change instances:

Service Item change_type Consumer Team Service Owner Team
CoreVM2 DELETE AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam
CoreLB1 DELETE AwesomeConsumer LBOwnerTeam

Declarative Submissions

In NetOrca, declarations must be declarative rather than imperative. This distinction is crucial for understanding how change instances are generated.

Declarative declarations focus on what the end state of an application should be. The consumer provides a desired configuration, and NetOrca automatically determines the steps needed to achieve that state. The emphasis is on describing the final outcome. Consumer does not need to care HOW to reach a desired state.

In the first example of CREATE Change Instance section, the consumer team AwesomeConsumer simply declares that CoreVM1 and CoreVM2 should exist in the system. Based on this, NetOrca generates 2 CREATE change instances to provision those VMs. In the next submission, while the two VMs exist in the submission, the consumer adds a new LoadBalancer service item to the declaration, and submits all at together. This time, NetOrca detects that the VMs already exist, and so, there should be no CREATE change instances for VMs. However, a new load balancer service item is detected. So, only this new service item needs a CREATE change instance.

Similarly, in MODIFY Change Instance, the consumer updates the cpu and memory of CoreVM1. However, all service items, including the other existing unchanged VM and the LoadBalancer, are submitted at once. Therefore, NetOrca detects the new state only for CoreVM1 while the rest remained unchanged.

With declarative approach, consumers only declare the final desired applications, NetOrca detects the changes, and service owners perform the necessary operations behind the scenes based on the generated change instances.

Change Instance Attributes

A Change Instance object includes the following key attributes:

attributes Description
id The unique identifier of a change instance in NetOrca
state Current state of the change instance.(More detail)
created The timestamp when the change instance was generated
modified The timestamp when the change instance was processed
owner The service owner responsible for the change instance
service_item The service item related to the change instance
new_declaration The new declaration for which the change instance was generated
submission The consumer's submission that triggered the generation of the change instance
log A short message provided by Service Owner for the current state of the change instance
change_type The type of change (as described above)

Change Instance State

The service owners process the change instances and then, they will update the state of each change instance. Here is the table of possible states and their meanings:

state Description
PENDING The change instance is awaiting to be approved and processed
REJECTED The change instance is not valid to be processed
APPROVED The change instance is approved and being processed
ERRORED The change instance is approved but failed during execution
COMPLETED The change instance is processed and finished successfully
CLOSED The change instance is not processed due to an error or rejection
graph LR
    1[PENDING] --> 2[APPROVED]
    1 --> 3([REJECTED])
    2 --> 4[COMPLETED]
    2 --> 5([ERRORED])
    3 --> 6([CLOSED])
    5 --> 6([CLOSED])

Change Instance History

The processing history of a change instance, including the state, timestamps of changing state, and the user who handled it, is fully recorded. To view the history of a change instance:

GET /v1/orcabase/serviceowner/change_instances/<change_instance_id>/history/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Token <token>

Referenced Change Instances

Service item references are detailed in Service Definition. This section will focus on the logic behind generating change instances due to references.

Service Schema with References

To demonstrate this, we, first, need to update the service schemas to include references. A list of references will be added to the LoadBalancer service schema:

    name: str
    cpu: int
    ram: int
    name: str
    related_vms: [array of related vms]
    algorithm: str

To prevent confusion with the previously mentioned consumer submissions, a new consumer, AwesomeConsumer2, will be created, starting with no service items or applications.

In the following example, CoreLB1 will be referred to as the main service item, while CoreVM1 and CoreVM2 will called referenced service items.

When the consumer submits their declaration, change instances will be generated for any modifications, as outlined in Basic Submission section. Additionally, there is potential for extra change instances to be generated, which will be referred to as referenced change instances.

Basic Change Instances

The consumer submits the initial declaration including the load balancer with the name of the VM service items as value for related_vms field:

  "AwesomeConsumer2": {
    "NewApp1": {
      "services": {
        "VM": [
            "name": "CoreVM1",
            "cpu": 16,
            "memory": 8
            "name": "CoreVM2",
            "cpu": 8,
            "memory": 16
        "LoadBalancer": [
            "name": "CoreLB1",
            "related_vms": ["CoreVM1", "CoreVM2"],
            "algorithm": "LeastConnections"

In the declaration above, "related_vms": ["CoreVM1", "CoreVM2"] is a new key value which contains the name of vms related to CoreLB1 service item.

Exactly the same as the submissions with no references, the initial submission will generate 3 CREAtE change instances:

Service Item change_type Consumer Team Service Owner Team
CoreVM1 CREATE AwesomeConsumer2 VMOwnerTeam
CoreVM2 CREATE AwesomeConsumer2 VMOwnerTeam
CoreLB1 CREATE AwesomeConsumer2 LBOwnerTeam

Referenced Change Instances

In the consumer's submission, if the following conditions are met:

  • Both the main and referenced service items already exist,
  • The main service item remains unchanged in its declaration, meaning no MODIFY change instance would typically be generated,
  • A modification is made to the declaration of a referenced service item, such as altering one of the VMs,

The main service item, like CoreLB1, will receive an additional MODIFY change instance.

In the next submission of the example consumer, if there is modifications in CoreVM1, not only CoreVM1 will get a MODIFY change instance, but also, CoreLB1 will get a MODIFY change instance:

  "AwesomeConsumer2": {
    "NewApp1": {
      "services": {
        "VM": [
            "name": "CoreVM1",
            "cpu": 16,
            "memory": 16 // modified
            "name": "CoreVM2",
            "cpu": 8,
            "memory": 16
        "LoadBalancer": [
            "name": "CoreLB1",
            "related_vms": ["CoreVM1", "CoreVM2"],
            "algorithm": "LeastConnections"

The list of change instances to be generated is:

Service Item change_type Consumer Team Service Owner Team
CoreVM1 MODIFY AwesomeConsumer2 VMOwnerTeam
CoreLB1 MODIFY AwesomeConsumer2 LBOwnerTeam

Note: If both VMs are modified, the load balancer still will get only one MODIFY referenced change instance.

Important Note: Keep in mind that when a dependent service item is created or removed, the consumer must also update the declaration of the main service item. For instance, if CoreVM2 is deleted in the next submission, it should be removed from the related_vms field in CoreLB1, resulting in "related_vms": ["CoreVM1"]. Consequently, CoreLB1 will receive a MODIFY change instance due to this direct modification in its own declaration, and so, no additional referenced MODIFY change instance will be generated.

Dependent Change Instances

Dependent Teams is described in detail in Service Definition.

When a consumer's submission generates a change instance for a service that has dependent teams, each dependent team will also receive an additional change instance.

As previously noted, a change instance object includes:

  • owner: The individual or Team that processes for the change instance.
  • service_owner_team: the Owner of its Service Item's Service.
  • consumer_team: The team that owns the application associated with the service item.

For a basic change instance, the owner and service_owner_team are the same. However, for a dependent change instance, the owner differs from the service_owner_team.

In the first example of this page, if the LoadBalancer team has dependent team, e.g. such as NPOwnerTeam. The list of change instances will be:

Service Item change_type Owner Consumer Team Service Owner Team
CoreVM1 CREATE VMOwnerTeam AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam
CoreVM1 CREATE NPOwnerTeam AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam
CoreVM2 CREATE VMOwnerTeam AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam
CoreVM2 CREATE NPOwnerTeam AwesomeConsumer VMOwnerTeam

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