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Change processing methodology

Everytime a Consumer team submits a declaration relating to a Service that your team owns, NetOrca will compare that submitted declaration to the one previously stored. From that comparison NetOrca will determine:

  1. Whether a Change Instance is required to be raised
  2. What type of Change Instance it is (CREATE, MODIFY, or DELETE)

Once a CI is created, it is the Service Owners responsibility to process that change. By processing the change, the Service Owner should always ensure that the Consumers desired state (given by the SI declaration) now matches up with the infrastructure/Service provided to that team.

If that desired state has been achieved, then the CI can be marked as COMPLETED, and the Consumer team can be satisfied knowing that their requested change has been successfully completed.

For more information on the CI process please see Change Instances

Available SDK's

Please note that it will be significantly easier to set up processing of changes in NetOrca if you utilise one of the SDK's described below.

NetOrca SDK

NetOrca SDK is an open source Python SDK that will provide all of the main required interactions for Service Owners with NetOrca.

Details here:

It is published on PyPi and will be maintained by the NetOrca team to suit any future releases of the product.

NetOrca Ansible

NetOrca Ansible is an ansible implementation of the required interactions with NetOrca. It is build on top of the netorca_sdk and will also be maintained as part of the NetOrca release cycle.

It can be installed via ansible-galaxy, links here: