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Declarative support

NetOrca can allow for SI's to be treated as the source of truth to create declarations to push to an end device.

Basic process

The basic process for this would be as follows:

  1. Get all ServiceItems for your particular Service GET /serviceowner/serviceitems?service_name={{myservice}}
  2. Get all the outstanding change instances for your service GET /serviceowner/change_instances?service_name={{myservice}}
  3. Create a declaration from the details in that return
  4. Push your declaration to your infrastructure
  5. Mark all outstanding changes obtained in step 2 as completed
  6. Send back (optional) deployed items when completing the above change instances.

Process Diagram

sequenceDiagram participant Consumer participant NetOrca participant ServiceOwner participant Deployment Consumer->>NetOrca: New declaration sent activate NetOrca NetOrca-->>NetOrca: Validation Check alt Validation Fail NetOrca-->>Consumer: 400 Error else Validation passes NetOrca-->>NetOrca: Declaration compared against existing SI's opt Changes detected NetOrca-->>NetOrca: Change instances created alt Auto approval enabled Note over NetOrca: State 'APPROVED' else Auto approval disabled Note over NetOrca: State 'PENDING' end end NetOrca->>Consumer: 200 OK end par Change Processing loop Check for changes GUI or API ServiceOwner->>NetOrca: Get Changes alt No Changes detected NetOrca->>ServiceOwner: No Changes Note over ServiceOwner: Do nothing else Changes detected NetOrca->>ServiceOwner: List of changes activate ServiceOwner loop for each change alt Approved ServiceOwner->>NetOrca: Move change state to APPROVED else Error/Not approved ServiceOwner->>NetOrca: Move change state to ERROR end deactivate ServiceOwner end end end and Processing Deployment Note over ServiceOwner: Deployment Processing ServiceOwner->>NetOrca: Get list of approved changes NetOrca->>ServiceOwner: Return approve changes list Note over ServiceOwner: Store list of approved changes ServiceOwner->>NetOrca: Get all SI configurations activate ServiceOwner NetOrca->>ServiceOwner: SI Configs Note over ServiceOwner: Process changes ServiceOwner->>ServiceOwner: Generate declaration Note over ServiceOwner: Declaration created ServiceOwner->>Deployment: Push declaration deactivate ServiceOwner activate Deployment Note over Deployment: Process new declaration Deployment->>ServiceOwner: Declaration successfull deactivate Deployment ServiceOwner->>NetOrca: Mark all APPROVED Changes as COMPLETED Note over NetOrca,ServiceOwner: DeployedItems updated end